Underwater Hockey Season starts!
by steamtug on Feb.10, 2010, under Motorcycling
What have I been up to? We have a run coming up for my bike, so I have been busy trying to fit new chain and sprockets ready for a big trip to South Australia in 2 weeks. I brought the parts a while ago when my old chain started talking to me while I ride…. grrrrr grrrr grrrr.
One of the recommended modifications for my bike was to fit a 19 tooth front sprocket. All good until I pulled off the old one and found it was only 16 teeth, so this will make a bigger difference to the gear ratios of the bike than I anticipated. Well I fitted them up anyway and had trouble re-joining the chain as the link riveter I borrowed from Coley was for jap bikes and different sized chain. So I went down and saw the dude at the “Motion Motorcycles” in Douro Street North Geelong. He is the most helpful person in the whole world! I have hardly ever brought anything from him, but he is always ready to give good ideas for free and help in anyway he can. You should all take your bike problems (and your money) to him. He told me he has never used a machine to rivet chain. Instead, he pushes the links together then rivets them over firstly with a wide centre punch to splay the ends of the link, then pean them over with a ball pean hammer. He reckons he has never had one let go. So I did it… and it works!!! First gear is very tall now, it’s a big ask with 2 heavy people and an upward incline, but still managable. Before it did 100 km @ 4,000 rpm, now it is only 3,300rpm. At 4,000 it is 122 km/hr. I changed back to 4th gear and got 100km/hr @ 4,000rpm, so I effectively have lost first gear and gained a 6th which is very nice on the highway. I rode it 300kms today to check and get the initial stretch out of the new chain. I got an extra 50 kms out of a tank of fuel giving me about 300kms range. The engine is quieter, smoother and runs a little cooler, so all worth it for highway cruising.
Did I mention the new chain and sprocket is red? I can hear all the girls in town saying “Oh, that bike is so cool! It has a red chain” (Maybe it’s my imagination???) Another thing I want to point out, is the fact that the old chain lasted 30,000kms! This is an amazing feat compared to my old “Japanese” bike. Obviously the British Triumph’s are much more intelligent at being able to preserve back tyres and chains. (Somebody pointed out that maybe it’s because I am too old to be doing burnouts and wheelstands up and down the main street like I used to, but personally I dont see how this has anything to do with the intellegence level of British engineering.)
The other news is that underwater hockey started again. Mitch reminded me that this will be our 6th season, and I still play like a beginner. We are running low on cash so to keep our club going, we have just become incorporated so we can apply for some financial assistance from our local government, who might help by giving us the pool for free etc. Anyway, we needed to elect office bearers, and they all voted me as the President!!! Mitch also is secretary and his first job will be to set up a web page to hopefully attract some new players.
So now I am the president of the Geelong Underwater Hockey League. I hope anyone reading this will come and play with us. 7pm at Norlane Waterworld on Wednesday nights. It’s a great game because it’s totally non-contact which means that full grown strong adults can play against little school kids who usually get the jump on us old fellows by being more nimble and maneuverable underwater! I told them that now I was president, that had to address me as “El Presidente” and give me a clear access to the goal. But they didn’t listen…. 🙁