The Steamtug Blog

The Humphrey Pump at Cobdogla is at risk of being shutdown!!

by on Jan.29, 2015, under Steam engines

Humphrey pumpImagine designing an irrigation pump, to move water from the Murray River up and out to the surrounding farm land that was of such radical, unusual and interesting design that modern engineers would lock you up as insane!

Well, that is how I see the amazing Humphrey pump at Cobdogla. Of the 7 wonders of the modern world, the Humphrey pump would be listed as the eighth. The fact that this pump was though up, conceived, designed, built and actually ran successfully for many years is what this wonder is all about.

Imagine taking a giant u-tube and sticking an internal combustion cylinder head on one end as the exploding carbon monoxide, produced by smouldering malley roots in a gas producer is used to force the water up from the river. It’s absolute madness!!! But they did it and it worked! Running successfully from the 1920’s till the 1960’s.

But now red tape and petty government bureaucracy are tying up the whole works with a risk we may never get to see the Humphrey pump run ever again, and this looks like the great steam museum they have in the grounds too could be lost.

Please read the message below from Denis the museum curator and dont sit on your hands and let something that is so unique, historic, amazing and technically fascinating be lost for ever.

 Uncertain Future For the Museum

Following the gas leak incident in May 2012, SA Water issued a DO NOT RUN order for the Humphrey Pump pending investigations into the cause of the leak and the design and costing of remediation works.

 A preliminary assessment conducted by SA Water estimated that significant expenditure is required to bring the Pump and Museum to an acceptable standard. Following an initial assessment, SA Water indicated it would be unable to commit to the capital upgrade required for the Pump and associated infrastructure or to subsidise the ongoing operation of the Museum.

This preliminary estimate of the costs associated with decommissioning the Pump and ensuring that the Museum is safe for use are in the range of $215,000-$300,000.

 The Cobdogla Steam Friends and the Barmera National Trust subsequently appointed a sub committee which prepared a submission to SA Water outlining the history of the museum and the necessity of SA Water continuing funding to the Museum.

 In addition, letters were written to the C.E.O of SA Water, Mr Ringham, and to Minister I. Hunter asking that this decision be reversed. Minister Hunter replied that the decision stands, although SA Water is prepared to consider transferring the assets to another party on the basis that they accept responsibility for ongoing maintenance and operation of the Pump and Museum.

 The sub committee considers that the cost estimates given by SA Water are too vague and a request to them to give a break down of the estimates has so far been unanswered. There is no indication from SA Water at this stage what works were covered in the estimate.

 The Cobdogla Steam Friends and Barmera National Trust have prepared a Petition to Parliament with the following request.

 “The following petitioners request that your Honourable House will urge the State Government to take immediate action to have SA Water continue to own and support the Cobdogla Irrigation and Steam Museum whilst allocating the necessary funds to facilitate the ongoing operation of the Humphrey Pump and Museum and to enable current and future generations to appreciate the State’s water heritage.”

 The Cobdogla Steam Friends and Barmera National Trust are seeking your support in their endeavour to have SA Water continue their previous funding arrangements for the Cobdogla Irrigation & Steam Museum.

 If you are able to support the Cobdogla Steam Friends and Barmera National Trust by signing our petition, and also having your friends, family etc do so, then please reply promptly to this communication. You can request a petition which will be sent to you, which must then be returned by hand delivery or by mail (P.O. Box 535 Cobdogla S.A. 5346) by Friday, February 27th. 2015.

 Thanking you for your support,

The Cobdogla Steam Friends Society Inc.

The Barmera Branch of the National Trust.

 Request a petition now at:


I think of all the Humphrey pumps ever built, this is the only one that can still be seen running (when not banned from going!!!)

Read more about this amazing engineering marvel! And don’t let fascinating historical stuff be lost to bullshit!!!

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