The Steamtug Blog

Steam engines

The Geelong Show

by on Oct.22, 2011, under Steam engines

Weekly Rant!

Before writing this, I was watching one of those old movies from 1960’s England. Why is it that I find these type of movie more entertaining than the modern American ones? They had not invented the super fancy visual effects that they can do now, so in those days they instead relied on things like an interesting and believable story line, some great acting (sometimes over the top to get the story across), eccentric characters and some wit thrown in to keep you interested! The modern American movies seem to be about some great special effect that they just invented so they build a flimsly, corny story line to demonstrate it. What ever happened to movies based on “Pulitzer” prize winning novels? (continue reading…)

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Lake Goldsmith Steam Rally

by on May.03, 2011, under Steam engines

With 2 rallies per year, it seems we just packed up from the last one and here we were again! I was keen to try out the whistle from my old tugboat “Lyttleton II” which I had just aquired and we had a plan to mount it on the boiler in Rabbit’s shed. Tom and Philip assisted by making me up an adapter flange to fit the boiler’s whistle pipe. We finally got to blow her filling the rally ground with the deep organ pipe so ominous with old steam ships. (For the story of the tugboat, look to the tab at the top of this page) (continue reading…)

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the Royal Geelong Show

by on Oct.18, 2010, under Steam engines

The Geelong show came and went. It poured rain and everyone was suprised. Then I reminded them that we have had 14 years of drought, and this is what the show used to be like all those years ago. They all nodded and agreed. I also reminded them of all the good years we had with great crowds because it never rained. Now it’s back to the way the world is supposed to be and we should be prepared to take a loss now and again due to the weather. (continue reading…)

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