It’s the little projects that keep you going.
by steamtug on Sep.04, 2010, under General
Winter has finally finished! Yeah!!! The weather here in Geelong has been a bit warmer, but it’s coming up to the windy part of the season. I have been working long hours at work which has hampered getting the important things in life done, but trying anyhow! I received some amazing news during the week, and I can’t believe it is true until I actually see it happen! (continue reading…)
Happy Birthday Charlie!
by steamtug on Aug.28, 2010, under General
As you will recall from my last post, we had a “mates” get together at Sovereign Hill. During this event, Murray took me aside and asked what we should do for Charlie’s birthday. You see, Charlie had a birthday recently and had talked about a big party, but since his Dad got sick just before, and his daughter had her 21st birthday just after, poor Charlie’s birthday kind of slippd unenthusiastically into the too hard basket. (continue reading…)
Sovereign Hill Steam Day
by steamtug on Aug.15, 2010, under General
Today I checked out the steam day at Sovereign Hill. Do you remember my post at the end of March entitled “A night at the opera”? It was another visit to Sovereign Hill to see the opening of the Victoria Theatre. This time a group of traction engines, mainly from Lake Goldsmith steam rally assembled in the recreated gold mining town, thundering down the roads to the delight of the Chinese tourists. (continue reading…)
Turn off the tele and get out in the shed!
by steamtug on Jul.29, 2010, under General
What is the fascination with cooking shows on the tele? Did you know the number 1 most viewed program on TV is a cooking show? As if anybody is going to attempt to cook a “peach flamboyant zingatta” for their husbands tea tonight! And as for Gorganzalla cheese… what’s wrong with good old Kraft Cheddar since Coon became politically incorrect? (Whoops… was I being sexist just now?) (continue reading…)
Across Russia by car
by steamtug on Jul.19, 2010, under General
It’s the 1 year anniversary since Evgeny and I drove a car from Vladivostok in Eastern Russia to Moscow, and finally I have posted the report on this blog. You can see it by looking at the menu on the top right of this page and click on “Travel Diaries”. It was a fantastic trip, but such a long way in such a small amount of time! Check out the presentation. (12 mb)
In other news, I watched the Isle of Mann TT, and saw Ian Hutchinson win the main event, making a total of 5 races won by him during the week of the Isle of Mann TT. It’s the first time anybody has won 5 races, beating my old hero Joey Dunlop’s previous record. You can read my Joey Dunlop tribute in the “motorcycle” menu at the top right of this screen.
Don’t forget to add your favourite beer to my list of World’s Best Beers! (See post below)
Is it all about beer?
by steamtug on Jul.17, 2010, under General
Just a quick update. I have just brought a keg system for my beer. This is comprised of coca-cola canisters, a CO2 bottle and a beer tap installed in your fridge. No more washing bottles! The worst job ever! When you need another beer, you just crack open the tap into your glass and happiness is yours! The worst part is… before when you would say, Hmmm I feel like another, but can’t be bothered opening another bottle and stop, now you just say, well I’ll just top up this glass… again…. and again…. and again…. hic…!!!
I have suggested that I extend the hose into the house, but as yet failed to gain approval for this project. But I will keep trying! Look at the “Homebrew” tab on the top right of this page for more detials, and don’t forget to add your favourite beer to the comments section on the previous post.
Did you also know that the company that sponsors and hosts my blog, MD Media Consulting was voted number 10 of the top 25 most popular web hosting services in Australia for June 2010? For more details read the story here or click on the MD Media advert on the bottom left of this page. If you know someone who needs web page design or web hosting, contact MD Media.
What is the World’s best beer?
by steamtug on Jul.12, 2010, under General
Ok… so you can call me weak as… er… beer. I lasted 26 days without a beer, but Friday night I put on some old style rock, lit the fire and a few mates came around for a barbie and I could not stand it any longer! I cracked open a big bottle of beer, and that was the end of my alcohol free month. (continue reading…)
My top 10 movies of all time
by steamtug on Jun.13, 2010, under General
Just sitting here by the fire and contemplating the world around me. It’s a long weekend here, but with Riley’s commitments we were unable to get away even though I am on day work and have the weekend off all the way to Wednesday. (continue reading…)
Interesting times at work
by steamtug on Jun.12, 2010, under General
I have had a seriously stressful and extremely busy time at work, but at least now I am doing a job that is both satisfying and interesting for a change. Unfortunately it will only last another couple of weeks… We have 2 new air compressos and with my commissioning and start up experience I was chosen to be the focal point for operations. (continue reading…)
What have I been up to?
by steamtug on Jun.06, 2010, under General
It’s been a little while since last writting, but with the Winter weather setting in, and a special job I am doing at work taking up all my time I haven’t done anything exciting. (continue reading…)