The Steamtug Blog


How many countries have you been to?

by on Jan.04, 2010, under General

Here is an interesting little exercise I posted around my office when working in Russia. How many countries have you visited? I have been to a few, but still so many I want to visit as I only have 38. (One of the girls in my office had over 50!)

Open the attached spreadsheet, view the official countries list and place a number 1 in the second column beside the ones you have been to. (The first column is my list) The spreadsheet will automatically count up how many you have.  And the most unusual? Sao Tome, an island on the West side of Africa just off Gabon.

 Mark’s countries list. Click here to open

Did you know Vatican City is it’s own country????     “Hmmm, Amazing Mr. Smart…”

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Welcome to my World!

by on Jan.01, 2010, under General

Hello there from MARK DYE.

 Hello friends!

Now that I have finished my contract in Russia, I have settled down well at home except going back to my old job at Shell Geelong is not proving to be much of a challenge and I am worried that I will get bored and go crazy. So I decided to take 3 months holiday! I will be kicking back relaxing until March.

I plan to do some cruising on my motor launch “Adaqua” maybe some scuba diving, some bike riding and making some home brewed beer! Then I need to focus on getting my yacht “Mercator” finished and back on the water.

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