The Steamtug Blog

Happy New Year everybody!

by on Jan.12, 2016, under General

IMG_0553Another year over already? I invited a few friends around to my place as a house warming and NYE party combined. Pete had just arrived from Australia, and we had a great evening planned. Then after our hang over recovered, we were going to leave on a road trip to Tennessee! I am very fortunate to have a great group of friends here in South West Louisiana, and Ken is a well IMG_0551known blues guitarist who agreed to come and play fire side blues music.

He was very impressed that I knew intimately many of the songs he played, then there were the one that were his own composition, and of course the made up songs with lyrics just thrown together to suit the IMG_0563occasion!IMG_0559

I had been given a large fancy barbie, and we cooked up steaks Australian style. We sat around the fire singing, talking and enjoying the atmosphere, and were excited to reveal to everyone Pete and my plans for our road trip North!

Happy New Year!

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